Many couples today that are looking into Destination Weddings have to choose between a legal or civil wedding at the destination versus a symbolic wedding.
Legal or Civil wedding: Is a wedding ceremony that is performed by a government official and is recognized by the government. In Texas, United States you have to obtain a License to get married and to do it you and your love one just need to go to your city Courthouse and request the forms to get married. This license is valid for 90 days. When you are in front of the clerk you need to provide:
The following people are authorized to conduct your Texas wedding ceremony:
All your officiant will need to do is fill out his portion of your marriage license. In fact, you can get married right there at the Courthouse where you are filling out documents to obtain your license and leave the place already legally married, all in one day! Symbolic wedding: Is a ceremony where two people in love exchange vows, exchange rings and have the proper wedding with an officiant but it doesn’t have any legal benefits for the couple. Many couples choose to get married in their origin country and do their symbolic ceremony at a Destination Wedding just to avoid all the legal requirements that each country has. In Mexico for example the weddings have to be performed in Spanish and translated by the hotel personnel and requires blood test and many more requisites that makes more complicated something that is so simple here at the United States My advice to you, don’t waste time and money doing a legal wedding in the destination of your preference, do your legal marriage license in your origin country and just do your symbolic wedding at the destination, it will save you a lot of time and headaches! Reference: The Knot Magazine
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Flexible group benefits:
Contracted group benefits:
When you are planning a wedding the best way to secure and lock the price for you and your guests is Contracted group; this gives you a flexible payment plan and secures the rooms for all your guests. When you choose flexible group, you do not lock the price, and do not secure the room inventory that your group needs. This means that if uncle Julio waits until 2 months before your wedding to book his room, is very likely that he will end up paying a higher rate and have the risk that the room category that he is looking for is not available. From experience I say that weddings have a lot to win booking contracted groups! Reference: VaxVacations Groups |
Rossana TaylorBilingual English -Spanish Travel Agent Archives
December 2024